4 Self-Care Ideas for How to Look and Feel Your Best

Here’s the deal: the benefits of self-care are real.
“Tell me something I don’t know,” you say. Okay! How about this? Science totally backs up self-care when it comes to figuring out how to look and feel your best.
Studies have shown that after practicing self-care:
— 64% of people feel a self-confidence boost.
— 66% feel more productive.
— 71% feel happier.
And, like, who are we to argue with science?
But between the normal winter blues and extra isolation this year, your self-care and skin care routine may have fallen off. Never fear! We’ve got a handful of self-care ideas to get you back on track.
Here are 4 self-care ideas to ensure you look and feel your best.
1. Hit refresh
Is there anything better than climbing into a bed with fresh, clean sheets at the end of a long day? Now, what if you could get that feeling for your space and your face, too?
Again, our old friend science backs it up. Studies show that when their house is clean:
— 60% of people feel less stressed.
— 72% sleep better.
— 80% feel more relaxed.
HOWEVER, if you’re someone who feels overwhelmed at the prospect of cleaning your whole house [raises hand 🖐🏿], don’t be ashamed!
Clean your bathroom one day, your fridge the next and work your way through it. May we suggest kicking off your clean-freak streak with your makeup brushes? Way too many of us [raises hand again 🖐🏿] forget to clean our brushes weekly like we should. Refresh your memory and then refresh your makeup:
— How to Clean Your Beautyblender: The Official Guide
— How to Clean Makeup Brushes the Right Way
— How To Clean Makeup Sponges–Myths Debunked!
2. Make it up
If you’re someone whose home makeup counter closed *roughly* the same time bars and restaurants did, it’s time to reopen!
While you’re just as beautiful fresh-faced getting “ready” sometimes can make you feel good. Science has shown, time and again, that wearing makeup has the power to make you feel smarter and more confident. What’s more: people can still get those effects during quarantine! Setting aside a few minutes each day to get ready tells your mind and body that you matter.
Here’s your homework:
— Do a full face of makeup half the week and do a bare skin care routine the other half.
— Write down how happy or productive you feel each day on a scale of 1–10, and see if you can tell a difference.
— Go with whichever route helps you look and feel your best.
3. Keep it simple
Okay, so say you’ve done our *supes scientific* full-face makeup experiment and you’ve found it’s not for you. All good! Just because you’re an au naturale, Alicia Keys type, don’t miss out on the benefits of self care.
Self-care is as much about taking time for yourself as it is any end result. Dedicate at least 10 minutes each morning to your skin care routine. Take the time to enjoy the nourishing, purifying aspects of each step:
— Cleansing
— Priming
At night, be sure to take 10 more minutes for yourself, removing your makeup and moisturizing again before bed. Remember those clean sheets we talked about? They deserve a clean face, and so do you 😉.
4. Save the planet!
Think you’ve hit your fun-fact limit for the day? Think again! We’ve got a few more for you, namely the fact that people who engage in environmentally friendly behaviors feel better about themselves.
The more sustainable and eco-friendly your actions are, the more likely you are to be happy and satisfied, which is a big W — for you and our planet.
Take small steps:
— Recycle what you can.
— Repurpose what you can’t.
— Be conscientious of the companies you support.
Guess what? That can start with your skin care routine! Check out these ideas:
— 10 New Uses For A Beautyblender Sponge
— 10 Ways to Repurpose Your Rosie Posie Cosmetic Container
— Meet Bio Pure, Beautyblender’s Eco-Friendly Makeup Sponge!
Bio Pure is made from a renewable plant base, so you get the same ultra-plush softness as the original, and we get an even more sustainable production process. In the next year, we’ll save more than 3,400 pounds of virgin plastic by making new products with PCR (post-consumer recycled) materials. Don’t you feel better just thinking about it?
The real secret to self-care
Keep it real! The best skin care routine and self care ideas are the ones you’ll actually do — and enjoy. Self-care is all about enjoying the little things. Start there and see where it takes you.